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Sciflyer 1969


Bande à rejoindre, Chanteur, Chanteur - Basse, Chateur - Baryton, Chanteur - Ténor, Chanteur - Soprano, Guitare rythmique, Guitare solo, Guitare acoustique , Guitare basse, Batterie, Autre percussion, Violon, Trompette, Saxophone, Clavier, Piano, Choriste, Harmonica, Flûte, Autre, Banjo, Mandoline, Fiddle, Dobro, Chanteur - Alto, Trombone, Cornemuse, Steel guitar, Contrebasse, Violoncelle, Accordéon.


Possibly looking to collaborate informally or professionally in music projects, online, studio or live in the near future. I have a view to work within a live and recording band setting.

On the demos I play all instruments except drums. If my music sounds like it would add to your work, give me a shout and include a link to some of your own sounds.

Feel free to stop by Sciflyer 69 on FB anytime to chat music obsessions, gear, and all the latest tune updates.


Sciflyer 1969
Membre depuis:
Mai 13 2016
Actif durant le mois
Engagement et motivation:
Très impliqué
Années d’expérience dans la musique:
Répète souvent:
Plus de 3 fois par semaine
6-7 nuits par semaine


Most Blues, Jazz, Latin and Rock 1965-1975 ish...Beatles, Stones, VU, Doors, Byrds, Kinks, Who, Beach Boys, Quicksilver Messenger Service, Marley, Dylan, Zeppelin, Big Star, Fleetwood Mac, ACDC, Santana, James Brown, , King Crimson, Buddy Guy, Surf, Classic Nuggets, Doors, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Caravan, Hendrix, Early Floyd, Sabbath, Jefferson Airplane, Love, Booker T, Caifanes


Washburn acoustic electric, Washburn HB35 Semi-Acoustic, Oscar Schmidt Acoustic Electric Bass, Eastwood DLX 12 String Electric, Sire Marcus MIller Bass, Line 6 Mobilekeys, Drums On Demand Retro Drums loops, Electric Mandolin, Fender Rumble bass amp and Line 6 Spider amps, Magix Musicmaker studio for recording.