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Guitare basse, Batterie, Guitare solo, Piano, Clavier.


LEXVOZ • Cantautor • Alma de rockstar y corazón de caballero #Antirracista • Voz en Set Sobrio

Para contacto visita Instagram: @lexvoz

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Hello, My name is Alejandro, I'm a singer of Pop/Rock/Alternative music in spanish. I have been singing for more than 10 years and I write lyrics. Everybody can hearing my songs in my profile o maybe check in Youtube: LEXVOZ (my new project) or Set Sobrio (old project)

I'm from Venezuela, but now i'm living in Franfurkt am Main, I speak more english als German, but I can speak German too, between B1- B2.

I'm looking for creative musicians (Bass Player, Drummer, Guitarrist, keyboard player) that want to making music to export and maybe a begening a carrear. My actual project is LEXVOZ, where i play with a talentous gutarrist, but the COVID has stopped our gigs and our production. So I'm looking for musicians that want to make music to be remebered. My principal influences are "Gustavo Cerati" and "Soda Stereo", also "Caramelos de Cianuro", "Sentimiento Muerto" y "Zapato 3" and many others in the Rock Alternative genre (Red Hot, Radio Head, U2, Coldplay).

Also i would like to know people that making music and maybe create a band (serously). I have high expectatives and great wishes to do that.

You can find my music in internet and all the social media by the name "Lexvoz", and i will be really glad to hearing your comments of my music. I'm interested to make featuring or collaborations with another artist. The idea is proyect the music, inspirate other people with music, and be remebered.


Muchas gracias y saludos!

Membre depuis:
Février 04 2021
Actif depuis plus d’un mois
Engagement et motivation:
Très impliqué
Années d’expérience dans la musique:
Concerts joués:
50 à 100
Répète souvent:
2-3 fois par semaine
2-3 nuits par semaine


Rock Alternativo

Soda Stereo / Cerati / Caramelos de Cianuro / Chris Cornell / Radiohead / Coldplay / U2

Expérience de l'instrument:

Chanteur - Ténor:
Guitare acoustique :
Guitare rythmique:


Stratocaster / Microphone SM58