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Heartbroken Angels


Accordéon, Guitare acoustique , Choriste, Cornemuse, Banjo, Guitare basse, Violoncelle, Dobro, Batterie, Fiddle, Flûte, Harmonica, Clavier, Guitare solo, Mandoline, Autre, Autre percussion, Piano, Guitare rythmique, Saxophone, Steel guitar, Trombone, Trompette, Contrebasse, Violon, Chanteur - Alto, Chateur - Baryton, Chanteur - Basse, Chanteur, Chanteur - Soprano, Chanteur - Ténor.


I'm 17, from Chelles in the Paris region. And I'd like to form a band (duh) just for fun but we can just go with the flow (release songs and see what happens). So I'm mostly into alternative and grunge but I'm adaptable, or at least I'll try lol.

Membre depuis:
Juillet 15 2021
Actif durant le mois
Engagement et motivation:
Pour le plaisir
Années d'Activité:
Concerts joués:
Moins de 10
Répète souvent:
1 fois par semaine
20 années


So I like Nirvana, the neighbourhood, a little bit of chase Atlantic and maneskin as well, and the wonderful arctic monkeys.

Membres d’un groupe

Would be cool to have a drummer, another guitarist (with me), and a bassist. So four in total. I can sing but if you can sing that would be amazing.


So if e count all of the equipment that would make.
-a drumset
-two guitars and two amps (or distortion pedal of u have one)
-a bass and it's amp
- a mic (or more)
And a room would be necessary lol